Sunday, March 18, 2012

Lets gather around the campfire and sing our campfire song.*


We had a campfire last night! 

 Left to right: Mackenzie, me, Tessa, Rachel (towards the back), Helena, Alexis, Maddy (Mackenzie's little sister), Tom, Zack, and Mark is in the front. 

It was really fun. Then I was trying to ask Alexis how I should become friends with Joe again because I want to just be friends. Helena came over and wouldn't leave when I stared at her, so Alexis told me to just text her later. 

Alexis had to go talk to Mackenzie because something happened that she wouldn't talk to anyone and she sat near the shed and wouldn't move. 

Helena was like "What do you have to talk to her about?" and I was like "I wanna be friends with Joe again..." but I was quiet and hesitant and she was like "EWH he's a bird!" and I walked away and what made me really mad was she went over and told every single one of them (the guys left before all this) and said "Ashley just said she wanted to be friends with Joe" and someone said "Joe who?" and she said his last name and you could hear it in her voice she had that "ewh" face on. It really pissed me off. I was having the greatest night, and she ruined it.

I really liked how I looked last night, weird enough. 

I really don't know anymore. I don't want to be friends with him now though.

Tessa texted me before and she was like "Joe is coming to the play with us" (our high school puts on a play in the spring and winter) and I was like "When are we going" 

But like seriously I'm not gonna talk to him at all and I'm not gonna sit by him therefore I'm done with him. 

Simple enough.  

See the glasses I'm wearing? 

I wore them to the fifth grade talent show. 

I was in sixth grade then (when I liked/talked to Joe still).

June 2, 2011. 

The day after the sixth grade went to Hershey's park. 

The day after I asked Joe out.

It was a Thursday, hah. 
I was with Amber. When we were walking out, Joe was sitting with whoever he was with on the railing outside of the school and me and Amber were going to the playground. 

I wasn't gonna say anything to him, but she told me I should so I smiled at him, waved, and said "hey"

He did the same. :D

But the next day he ended up saying "no". Oh well.

During the talent show, he texted me and said "lol nice glasses" and I was like "haha thanks" and it was just regular for us to talk to each other like that. It got even more regular in July. 

I just remembered that today. I'm wearing them again, but not for that. 

I love these glasses. 

Not as much as I loved him, though.

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