Wednesday, December 21, 2011

i just never have good news... do i?

So Joe and another girl named Stephanie are dating now?
I am officially up on him. I will never have a chance with him. He's just bring a douche lately. (Sorry for the language.) 

And my friend Tessa is being mean too. She goes "Joe knows you make facebook statuses about him." and I was like "Oh, that's cool. Because I DON'T." and she literally TRIED TO TELL ME THAT I DID. I was like no bitch. She was like "Then who was it about?" and I said to her "You don't need to know."

She will do ANYTHING to humiliate me in ANY way.
I've become better friends with Kate than I have with Tessa... and I just started talking to and hanging out with Kate in November. I've known Tessa all my life.

But I sorta like this kid named Michael. He's in my class. He's nice to me. We talk a lot. But he likes someone named Celia. /:

So in Science class today, I decided to tell Helena. She pretended to CHOKE and COUGH and she was like "EWWHH! He's so mean!" and I'm like "How?" and she's like "Do you know what he says?" and I'm like ".. No text me after school." 

I just can never find a guy that likes me, can I? </3

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